All-Staff Meeting

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Building Connection and Collaboration

The Mutual of Wausau Group, which includes Mutual of Wausau Insurance Corporation in Wausau and Homestead Mutual Insurance Company in Neenah, fostering unity and collaboration is essential to our success. One of the most effective tools for achieving this is the all-staff meeting. Here’s why these gatherings are so important for our team and how they contribute to our shared mission.

Strengthening Communication

All-staff meetings keep our teams in Wausau, Neenah, and beyond connected. They align goals, share updates, and reinforce our shared commitment to policyholders.


Fostering Community

These gatherings build camaraderie, strengthen relationships, and unify our team through shared experiences and collaboration.


Celebrating Achievements

All-staff meetings recognize milestones, welcome new members, and boost morale by highlighting individual and team contributions.


Promoting Transparency

Leadership updates during meetings ensure openness about company performance and future plans, building trust and confidence.


Inspiring Innovation

By encouraging feedback and idea-sharing, all-staff meetings spark engagement and drive collective problem-solving

As the Mutual of Wausau Group continues to grow, we remain dedicated to creating a culture where communication and collaboration thrive. All-staff meetings play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between our locations and reinforcing the values that have guided us for generations.